Zanzibar Planning Commission2024-10-172024-10-172024-05 SUMMARY This report aims to catalyze the transition transfer from using dirty to clean cooking energy in Zanzibar. Traditional biomass fuels, such as firewood and charcoal are mainly used and contribute to indoor air pollution, deforestation and adverse health effects particularly to the marginalized and vulnerable communities. The objective is to provide strategies and methods to promote the transfer, adoption and utilization of clean cooking fuel (bioethanol and Gas) among the households, communities in Zanzibar aiming at reducing the use of traditional biomass so as to improve household health by reducing indoor air pollution and mitigate environmental degradation. The development of this reports involved reviewing various researches and regulating frameworks related to clean energy followed by data collection to the stove users, community and Managers and operators from Mahonda sugarcane industry. This was done through interview and focused group discussion. The expert opinions were gathered through stakeholders meeting involved the Government and private. The gathered information were processed, analyzed and incorporated in the report. It has found out that, bioethanol has proved to be clean energy and has a potential to protect an environment. It is also cheaper than firewood and charcoal. The Mahonda factory is the only industry current producing Bioethanol fuel. Currently, the industry has a capacity to produce Bioethanol for 15,000 Households how eve it has a potential to produce bioethanol if measures are taken including engagement of outgrowers. The report illustrates and suggests multi-faceted approaches to achieve the proper usage of bioethanol as a cooking fuel in Zanzibar, including; i. Infrastructure Development such as investment in production facilities , and distribution networks, to ensure reliable access to bioethanol fuel for households and communities in Zanzibar. ii. Stakeholder Engagement such as government agencies, private sector actors, NGOs, and local communities. Iii. Partnerships, collaboration, and knowledge-sharing to promote the adoption of bioethanol clean cooking fuel should be fostered. Iv. Capacity Building: Technical training, skills development, and entrepreneurship support to local communities, farmers, and entrepreneurs involved in bioethanol production, distribution, and utilization in Zanzibar have to be provided. Awareness Campaigns: Public awareness campaigns. Finally it is recommended that, the Government to create conducive environment for service providers, investors, and business community of clean cooking energy, Review the energy policy and legal frameworks, The Government to provide grants/ subsidy funds to support accessibility of Bioethanol stove and Gas stove of 20 percent of the households using firewood and charcoal. The estimated funds is TZS 3.35 Billions is for subsiding the clean stove by 77 percent for the low income households who uses firewood and charcoal, Increase the capacity of the Mahonda sugar can industry to produce more sugar and bio ethanol, Ministry responsible for industry to mobilize local investors to invest in production processing, bottling and packaging bio ethanol plants and affordable bio ethanol stoves and Ministry responsible for energy, to mobilize Business community to increase distribution of Clean energy especially in urban area.PROPOSAL FOR TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER OF CLEAN COOKING ENERGY (BIOETHANOL AND GAS) FOR REDUCTION OF FIREWOOD AND CHARCOAL CONSUMPTION