2023-11-032023-11-03https://zarip.planningznz.go.tz/handle/123456789/29Available in print form, Tunguu Reference LibrarySolid waste is a visible concern in any environment especially for a tourist destination like Zanzibar. Zanzibar generates 216 tons which has increased to 300 tons of solid waste per day in recent times. The primary goal of this study is to examine effectiveness of the environmental management policy on solid waste management among households in Mombasa, Shanghani and Nyerere districts of Zanzibar which are distinct neighbourhood in terms of settlement, street setting and demographic variables. A quantitative study was carried out on 300 households but only 294 questionnaires were usable for data analysis. Data was collected randomly using a semi-structured questionnaire. It primarily examined how the household perceived among a cleaner environment obtained through solid waste management and the policy tools enshrined in the environmental policy. It also investigated the attitude of households to solid waste services and practices with respect to awareness of ways of disposing and segregating waste at source, willingness to pay for solid waste management, rate of generation and methods for disposing waste. Qualitative data was equally gathered through a semi-structured interview from personnel in the relevant stakeholder institutions like ZMC, ZEMA and ZANREC who acted as key informant. The study revealed that most respondents (approximately 65%) perceived that cleaner environment is a consequent of positive perception of the policy tools both of which evolve as effective tools towards achieving solid waste management in their areas. Perception on policy tools and cleaner environment in controlling solid waste was associated with the satisfaction and commitment to the management of solid waste observed among the households. The study further revealed that 71.1% are aware of ways of disposing waste at source, while 67% of the respondents pay for solid waste management. It was also noted that the rate of generation was moderate (39.5%) and a reasonable number of households (47.6%) burn waste as an alternative method for disposing waste. However, the study’s results prioritized the provision of a specific sanitation policy where solid waste management will be elaborately covered, short term /low-cost mitigation measures included to achieve a cleaner Zanzibar and the attitudes of the households when properly harnessed can have a direct bearing on solid waste management through commitment and neighbourhood spirit even where there is loose enforcement. Limitations recommendations and areas that need special attention that can contribute to knowledge as a new science were also discussed. Furthermore, the findings in this study will open the minds of different stakeholders to realise the importance of a clean environment and it can help policy makers to consider reforming the waste management policy.application/pdf1. Environmental management policy on solid waste management - ZanzibarThe Effectiveness of Environmental Management Management Policy on Solid Waste Management in Zanzibar:The Case of Mombasa, Shangani, Nyerere DistrictsThesis