Women Participation and Representation in Politics and Governance in Zanzibar

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Women occupy more than half of the Zanzibar population and more than half of voters in general elections while they are underrepresented in decision making positions.
Women occupy more than half of the Zanzibar population and more than half of voters in general elections while they are underrepresented in decision making positions. This study was aimed to analyse the status of women's participation and representation in the political process (election) and Governance in Zanzibar in reference to the re-introduction of multiparty. A mixed approach used to collect data and in analyzing data. Results revealed that still women are under-representation as an insignificant number of women stand as contesters and elected in the general elections. For the past of 25years since the re-introduction of the Multi-party system, women elected in the general election reached 6% for Member of Parliaments, 12% for the member of the House of Representatives and 20.7% for the Councilor position. By the year 2020, in the House of Representatives women occupied 36%, in the Central government key decision making positions women occupied 30% and in Regional and Local Government Administration, women occupied 20% of key decision making positions. Women have never been elected as President of Zanzibar, City Council or Municipal Council Mayor. Similarly, women have never appointed to hold the position of Vice President or Attorney General or Chief Secretary. Various challenges analyzed but the main challenge affecting women's participation and representation is a legal framework. The study has recommended a specific review of the legal framework including removal of special seats which shall be compensated through institutionalize the idea of 50% of men and women within political parties on the nomination of candidates.


Participation and Representation
