Zanzibar Research and Information Portal Open Data
Policy Rationale
Zanzibar Research and Information Portal supports the free online communication and exchange of knowledge as the most effective way of ensuring that the fruits of research, economic and sector work, and development practice are made widely available, read, and built upon. It is therefore committed to open access, which, for authors, enables the widest possible dissemination of their findings and, for readers, increases their ability to discover pertinent information.
Scope and Constraints.
Paragraph 3.2 of the Principles of Staff Employment stipulates that all rights in any work produced by staff members as part of their official duties belong to Zanzibar Research and Information Portal (hereafter referred to as “Zanzibar Planning Commission”) unless such rights are explicitly relinquished. The Open Access Policy for Formal Publications establishes Zanzibar Planning Commission’s expectations relating to the public accessibility of knowledge resulting from (1) work carried out by Zanzibar Planning Commission staff members as part of their official duties and (2) outside research funded by Zanzibar Planning Commission.
For work carried out by Zanzibar Planning Commission staff, the policy applies to manuscripts and all accompanying data sets (a) that result from research, analysis, economic and sector work, or development practice; (b) that have undergone peer review or have been otherwise vetted and approved for release to the public; and (c) for which internal approval for release is given on or after July 1, 2012.
For external research funded by Zanzibar Planning Commission, for which funding was approved on or after July 1, 2012, the policy applies to the final report provided by the researchers to the funding unit within Zanzibar Planning Commission. Zanzibar Planning Commission owns the rights to this work, as stipulated in paragraph 3.2 of the Principles of Staff Employment, unless it has chosen to relinquish those rights. External research funded through trust funds that are administered by Zanzibar Planning Commission are subject to the rules of the trust fund.